Tuesday, January 14, 2020The good news about trying to keep your home insurance costs down: The ball is really in your court. You have quite a few options available to you. And, for the most part, it really comes down to the choices you make —not the judgment made by your home insurance provider. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 13, 2020Your car insurance provider may drop you for any number of reasons. And while there are regulations surrounding how and why insurers are allowed to drop you, the reasons do tend to vary from one provider to another. Therefore, you will want to read your policy carefully and talk with your provider about any questions you may have before you sign up. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 9, 2020Thousands of cars are alike. Several homes in the same neighborhood are alike. But no two businesses are alike. Two franchise restaurants will be in different neighborhoods, but they might keep different hours and have different sizes of staff. So, there's no one-size-fits-all solution to business insurance. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 7, 2020Getting into any type of car accident can be scary. But it's even worse when the other driver flees the scene. The hit-and-run driver's goal is to try to get away. But if you act swiftly and smartly, there's a good chance you can have them held responsible.
Here are the steps you should follow, if you find yourself in this situation. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 2, 2020If you're looking to rent an office, you should also look into business insurance. Whether or not you expect to have clients come visit you, it's still a good idea to protect yourself. And your landlord may require it anyway.
Check Your Landlord's Requirements
Thursday, January 2, 2020Your home insurance policy will probably cover any liability claims owing to a house party. But you're going to need to take a few steps to make sure that your insurer has no reason to deny your claim. Here's what you're going to want to do:
Figure out your maximum occupancy and stick to it. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 31, 2019You need to document your possessions if you want them to be covered under your home insurance policy. But how far should that extend? What needs to be documented?
The short answer: Everything.
That said, some things should be documented more extensively than others.
Thursday, December 26, 2019You take a painting class, and it turns out, you're a natural. Before long, you've got friends asking you to do portraits for them. Soon enough, strangers are asking for portraits, too. Now, you must start charging for services, because it's your hobby is becoming something of a day job. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 24, 2019As a general rule, you should assume that your home insurance will not cover a new HVAC unit.
Your HVAC will eventually need to be replaced, owing to general wear and tear. No matter how well cared-for your HVAC unit may be, no machine can be expected to last forever. READ MORE >>
Thursday, December 19, 2019It’s easy to think that buying auto insurance is one of those things that we’ll eventually get the hang of. But the truth is, it can be confusing to even seasoned drivers. Whether you're a brand-new driver, or just want to make sure that you're getting the best insurance you... READ MORE >>
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