Collisions are among the most expensive and prevalent types of auto insurance claims, and any time you get behind the wheel, you will face the risk that you might have a wreck. It’s just another part of driving, no matter how safe you try to be. You can only take responsibility for yourself, not for those around you. However, today’s automobiles are making it easier than ever for every driver to do all they can to avoid collisions.
One of the biggest advances in vehicle technology has come from the development of crash avoidance systems, which actively work in real time to help drivers prevent accidents. These systems not only keep you safe behind the wheel, but also can help you save money on your auto insurance in the right situations.
Technology Changing Driving
Today’s vehicles offer numerous crash-avoidance perks, and no matter how safe a driver you think you are, you can benefit from a tech-equipped vehicle. Consider just a few of these crash-avoidance systems, and just how much of a safety guard they can be to you:
Lane departure notifications will immediately tell you if you begin to drift, allowing you time to correct your position.
Anti-lock brakes and auto-braking systems both work to help you stop your vehicle effectively in case of a problem. Auto-brakes will automatically begin to apply your brakes as soon as they detect that you are approaching an obstacle.
Safe distance technology will alert you when you are traveling too close to another vehicle, and you can therefore slow down to leave enough distance between yourself and that car.
Blind-spot alerts notify you when someone is traveling in your blind spot, when can help you avoid the risk of sideswiping someone when trying to merge.
Rear-view cameras immediately turn on when you put your car in reverse, it can guide you both into and out of parking spaces. This helps you avoid the risk of hitting an object, vehicle or person when reversing in a tight space.
Is Investing in Technology Worthwhile?
Many new vehicles contain certain crash-avoidance technologies automatically. However, if you can buy an upgraded technology package, then this might be an investment that is well worth the expense. Doing so might even make the investment pay for itself.
By investing in crash avoidance technology, you reduce your overall risk of having a wreck. While these technologies are not foolproof, they can significantly reduce the likelihood of you not only having a wreck, but also of having to file an insurance claim. The lower your risk of filing a claim, the lower your overall premium might be, and the presence of crash avoidance technology can further reduce that risk.
If you’re curious about the incentives that an insurer might offer for crash avoidance technology, just contact one of our agents today. We’re here to make sure you can get the most valuable auto insurance for your budget and your needs.
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